M16, Bortle9


M16, Bortle9




Acquisition details



First deep sky object!!!

Acquired the data for this on my first night out with my telescope. I have a lot to learn about how to use the gear and how to process, but I am super happy to have something even remotely recognizable on my first night out.

I can't see Polaris from my balcony, so I did my best using only compass and smartphone app. I need to learn how to use drift alignment!

I'm also having a few issues with my gear:

* I'm getting star elongation at the corners, even though I set the backfocus for the flattener properly (I think)

* I have pretty crazy vignetting because my filter is too small for my imaging sensor. Flats help to some degree, but don't fully fix the issue

* I have a pretty large amount of dec backlash in the CEM25P. I have to tune this. I've seen some info, but still not sure how to do it

If you have any suggestions, let me know



M16, Bortle9